Recommended Reading Order

I’ve got more than a few books, and more than a few series, with more being added every year. But never fear! Here’s a handy little guide to what to start reading first.

  1. Pick the first book in a series

    While you can read the books of my series in any order, you may be a bit confused. That’s because each book builds on the next, so I recommend starting with any of the Book 1s below by clicking on the cover.


2. Pick a flavor of genre you like

With each of my series you’re guaranteed to get:

  • Heartfelt characters you’ll love to root for, or love to hate

  • Deep, fast-paced, compelling storylines sure to keep you turning the pages

  • Emotionally resonate scenes, along with laugh-out-loud moments

  • Slow burn, often enemies-to-lovers romance with characters who can’t stand falling for each other

If you love any of those, I can (almost) promise you’ll love all my books. But there are some slight differences between a few of my series.

  • If you like the quirky, third-person perspective charm of Harry Potter, then I suggest starting with Heir of Dragons and Mage’s Apprentice series.

  • If something like Percy Jackson is more your speed, then start with the Darkness Within, Paranormal Outcasts, and the Legacy of Dragons series, then give the other series a go.

  • If you enjoy epic, dark contemporary fantasy a la The Cruel Prince, with morally gray characters, a lush fantasy world, and a savage enemies-to-lovers romance, dig into The Savage Wilds Series.

3. Finally, if you don’t like one of my books, try another one!

It’s true! Not everyone likes every book an author writes. So if you pick up one of the above books and it’s not your thing, try another. Each book has their own unique story, characters, and plots, so maybe if one isn’t speaking to you, then another might. You should enjoy your reading time, so read something you enjoy!

If you’re still unsure about which book to pick, be sure to check out All My Books