Behold! My giant face.
Hey there!
I’m Sean Fletcher (not to be confused with the American-British journalist). I’m an Amazon-bestselling and award-winning author of YA and adult fantasy, in addition to other forthcoming books whose characters won’t stop doing cartwheels in my head. I could talk about how I’ve always loved books and how I just knew writing fantastical stories was what I wanted to do; but you already know that. Because I’ve written lots of fantastical books. And because you’re here.
When I’m not making up highly-enjoyable lies and putting them down on paper, I’m often outside, usually doing something most people find masochistic, like cycling long distance, hiking high mountains, and indulging in more sweets than is medically advisable. I’m always up to something and always writing something new, so be sure to check me out (did that sound weird?) on ALL the platforms below.
I’ll see ya there.